Reto Pulfer: Capsicum Ofifusiani

2 June – 15 July 2017

Press Release

Durchgang durch den stillen Zorn [Passage through silent wrath], 2014, pencil, ink on bedsheet, bandage, ribbon, shoelace, clothes, cotton, wood, metal, plastic, 220 x 240 x 290 cm

Durchgang durch den stillen Zorn [Passage through silent wrath], 2014, pencil, ink on bedsheet, bandage, ribbon, shoelace, clothes, cotton, wood, metal, plastic, 220 x 240 x 290 cm [detail]

Rohzustand Bruchstaben Capsicum [Raw state: Broken Letters Capsicum], 2013 – 2017, ink and acrylic on bedsheet, clothes, fabric, rope, paper,
raku ceramic, chilli, sand, 400 x 300 x 800 cm

Rohzustand Bruchstaben Capsicum [Raw state: Broken Letters Capsicum], 2013 – 2017, ink and acrylic on bedsheet, clothes, fabric, rope, paper,
raku ceramic, chilli, sand, 400 x 300 x 800 cm

Rohzustand Bruchstaben Capsicum [Raw state: Broken Letters Capsicum], 2013 – 2017, ink and acrylic on bedsheet, clothes, fabric, rope, paper,
raku ceramic, chilli, sand, 400 x 300 x 800 cm [detail]

Rohzustand Bruchstaben Capsicum [Raw state: Broken Letters Capsicum], 2013 – 2017, ink and acrylic on bedsheet, clothes, fabric, rope, paper,
raku ceramic, chilli, sand, 400 x 300 x 800 cm

Rohzustand Bruchstaben Capsicum [Raw state: Broken Letters Capsicum], 2013 – 2017, ink and acrylic on bedsheet, clothes, fabric, rope, paper,
raku ceramic, chilli, sand, 400 x 300 x 800 cm

Ephemera Ortie [Ephemera Nettle], 2013 – 2017, fabric, nettle, rope, ribbon, 200 x 300 x 720 cm

Ephemera Ortie [Ephemera Nettle], 2013 – 2017, fabric, nettle, rope, ribbon, 200 x 300 x 720 cm [detail]

Ephemera Ortie [Ephemera Nettle], 2013 – 2017, fabric, nettle, rope, ribbon, 200 x 300 x 720 cm and Durchgang durch den stillen Zorn [Passage through silent wrath], 2014, pencil, ink on bedsheet, bandage, ribbon, shoelace, clothes, cotton, wood, metal, plastic, 220 x 240 x 290 cm

Ofifus wird zu Luft [Ofifus Becomes Air], 2017, acrylic, pencil on cotton, linen, 30 x 26 cm
Capsicum Ofifusiani, 2017, acrylic on linen, 28 x 19 cm
Der gute Tee [The Good Tea], 2017, acrylic, tea, pencil on cotton, 33 x 23 cm
Nachtfarn [Night Fern], 2017, acrylic, tea, pencil on bedsheet, 22 x 18 cm
Gina Protagonistinnen (Chilli, Ortie, Tee, Farn, Kapsel) [The Female Protagonists of Gina (Chilli, Nettle, Tea, Fern,
Cardamom)], 2017, acrylic, pencil on cotton, linen, 38 x 37 cm

Ghost Shadow, 2017, acrylic on cotton napkin, wood, 28 x 27 x 3 cm [each]

Die traurige Eule beim Ulmehuus mit Umgebung 
[The Sad Owl at Elm House with Surroundings], 2017, pencil, acrylic on cotton, artist’s stretchers, 35 x 27 x 2.50 cm
Die traurige Eule vom UImehuus [The Sad Owl of Elm House], 2017, pencil, acrylic on linen, cotton, artist’s stretchers, 46 x 36 x 2.50 cm