Jumana Manna: Break, Take, Erase, Tally

MoMA PS1, New York, United States
22 September 2022 – 17 April 2023

Installation views. Photo: Steven Paneccasio

Old Bread International, 2022, ceramic, plastic bags, and newspapers, dimensions variable [detail]

Cache (Cache Series), 2019, steel shelf, galvanised metal grates, ceramics, concrete, lime, and pigments, 220 x 328 x 70 cm

Mountain, 2018, collage on paper, 30 x 40 cm

Weed Bouquet, 2020, collage on paper, 33 x 22 cm

Wild Relatives, 2018, HD video, 63’55”
Foragers, 2022, HD video, 63’34”

Foragers, 2022, HD video, 63’34”

Middle Ghost (Cache Series), 2022, ceramic, concrete, lime, pigments, 95.3 x 50.2 x 40 cm